Sunday, February 13, 2011

You are my happy thought, you make me FLY!

I have decided that instead of just writing about my advocacies and things I am deeply passionate about, I might as well write about my personal trips here in the Philippines. I reckon it will be a way to make my blog more 'relatable'.

Now, I am writing about my trip yesterday at the Hot Air Balloon Festival. It was my first time to see the event and I certainly believe it would not be the last.

Anna and I have been planning to go out on a date for a long time but my work schedule just would not allow it. When I texted her last week about her plans on the weekend, she told me that she is going to the Hot Air Balloon Festival at Clark, Pampanga with her brother. She asked me if I can go with her and I said YES! Of course, I wanted to see her so bad and I thought seeing hot air balloons will be fun.

We had to be there really early because we got sponsored for a free flight in one of the balloons. LUCKY US!!! I did not know that I was flying until a few hours before the event. Many thanks to Anna Oposa and her brother who gave me the slot.

Our balloon was that of a German beer and was navigated by a German couple--Frank and Martina. They were really interesting and even told us how they almost ended up divorced. Frank used to be an airline pilot.

Our balloon getting ready to be inflated.

Gulat ka masyado koya!!
Flying on a hot air balloon was scary! All four of us were cramped inside a small wicker basket. I was standing in between two propane tanks and the burner was only a few inches away from my head. Throughout the whole flight, I was praying!!! SERIOUSLY!!

But the sight from above was just too beautiful to ignore so I just shrugged my fears away!

I would've wanted to ride the snowman or the Darth Vader head
Truly breathtaking. Prior to our launch, one of the balloons got slightly burnt.
Anong sabi ng lobo sa kanan sa lobo sa kaliwa? YOU TURN MY WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! CHAKAAAA!!!
It was a cloudy morning but look at this! Im FLYING ON SUNSHINE, WOAAHHH!!
This is my favorite photo! The balloons landing on the field filled with lahar!
Landing was thrilling and super painful! Frank our pilot who was like 300 pounds landed on me! Gosh. I almost died! After a few minutes, our chase crew came and we had breakfast! Yummy! According to Frank and Martina, flying on a hot air balloon was common in Germany and a party after a flyout always happens. 

Our chase crew trying to deflate the balloon.
Over all, it was a great day. Great company, great experience flying on a hot air balloon, great view from above.Thank you AO for this fabulous date!

I am looking forward to the Panagbenga Festival on February 25 to 27 and our Mt. Pinatubo trek on March 12.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Karl Molina Loves Loves Loves Anna Oposa

When I was in London last May, I stumbled upon a blog entry on Facebook entitled Anna Oposa Loves Loves Loves UP. It was just incredibly witty and funny. Months later, I had the opportunity to meet the writer and work with her as part of the Philippine youth delegation to COP 16. 

I dedicate this entry to Anna Oposa. In the years to come, I know we will still be laughing at the same things. ADTO NA TA DAI!
Karl Molina loves Anna Oposa. Of course, he doesn’t mean it in a straight-kind-of-way because it is just so wrong in so many levels. For one, he is probably one of the gayest people on earth. Plus, they call each other Kaps, short for kapatid (brother/sister).

Karl Molina loves how he and Anna Oposa laugh about little things. He is surely chuffed to bits whenever he remembers how the lovely young lass got tickled by the words bollocks and peckish. Everything English fascinates her and everything Australian, EXCITES HER.

Karl Molina thinks Anna Oposa is such a funny poser. She always tells everyone that she is studying Molecular Biology and Biotechnology but always gets the same response: “But you are not smart!” The thing is, ages ago, Karl Molina also told loads of people the same thing, that he is studying MBB in UP just so people will not ask what his course, FLCD, means. Once and for all, its Forensic Laboratory and Crime Detection. PAK!

People think Anna Oposa is stupid, BUT SHE IS NOT. Matter-of-fact, she is probably one of the smartest people he has ever met. Truth is, she is an inspiration for him. She is passion personified. Her incredible love for the environment and vision for the Philippines keep him motivated.

But to be honest, the way she talks does make her sound stupid. The word “like” is like always part of her sentences. Like she cannot fully express what she means if she doesn’t like use like. Like, you know what I mean? To substantiate, she once wrote: “So… How do you, like, stop a jeep? Do you say, like, ‘manong, stop,’ or do you just, like, go down?” Nevertheless, Anna Oposa, is endearing in so many ways.

Karl Molina loves Anna Oposa’s writing. He makes sure that he reads everything she writes. At one point, he almost got fired from his job because of accessing her website during office hours. Her writing is a constant source of knowledge, inspiration, motivation, perspiration and asphyxiation (due to excessive laughing without observing proper breathing).

Quite recently, Karl Molina experienced severe depression because of two things--his professional life went downhill since his volunteering schiz under Global Xchange and the drought in his sex life, the latter having greater implications than the former. But Anna Oposa, put him back on track through her writing. You bring and give your own meaning to what you do. In this Third World Country, “selling out” is necessary for survival.” See, Anna Oposa, is not stupid after all.

Anna Oposa’s big thighs and huge brazos tell Karl Molina that they will be friends for a long time. A lalalala long A lalalala long long lee long long long time. That is if he discontinues his hobby of taking momentary hiatus in Facebook.

Karl Molina loves Anna Oposa.

He really does.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Be hungry to put an end to hunger

The Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Philippines (FNRI) has recently released the data of a survey which was conducted in 2008 saying that a staggering one-third of Philippine school children between the ages 6 and 12 are stunted due to extreme poverty. 

The survey showed that 33.1% of the sample population of 100,000 students across the country suffered from chronic malnutrition. Figures suggest that there was a slight increase in the number of malnourished children from 2005 but it can be noted that there was a significant decline from a high 44.8% in the 90's. 

Inadequacy in eating healthy food over a long period of time led to a state of malnutrition and stunted growth. According to Eva Goyena, a science research specialist of FNRI, "Being underheight is a result of a long period of inadequate nutrition." 

Early malnutrition can lead to stunted physical growth, reduced energy to learn, higher incidence of illness and occasionally even death.The prevalence of malnutrition is the consequence of a complex group of factors often found in developing countries. The Philippines does not only suffer from lack of food but also suffers from poor intra-familial food distribution.


In February 2010, I was given the rare opportunity to talk about the state of malnutrition among Filipino children in the Philippines in the inaugural One Young World summit in London, United Kingdom. My speech focused on how adequate nutrition and health care is intricately woven with education.

Initiatives should be set in place by the Philippine government in order to ameliorate the dire situation of health care and nutrition in the country. Four key areas should be given attention in order to deliver a sustainable program which will curb the rates of malnutrition among Filipino children. 

1. Nutrition information and education which will target the increase of knowledge among parents of malnourished children with regard to proper feeding practices. 

2. Health protection should be an integral component in delivering nutrition programs which will introduce medical services to moderately and severely undernourished preschoolers susceptible to infection. 

3. Food assistance that will introduce supplementary feeding programs and promote locally available food commodities. This will ensure that there will be access to quality food products which will aid malnourished children. 

4. Food production should be encouraged. The promotion of backyard and school gardens will increase household consumption of highly nutritious food. 
These are just some things that need to be considered in the fight against malnutrition not only in the Philippines but all over the world. One challenge that remains to be formidable is changing dietary practices since human behavior has been proven to be very difficult to amend. 

The issue of hunger is more than just having an empty stomach, its also an issue of human dignity.

Its One YOU-manity

EDUCATE the world about causes you hold close to your HEART. --The Humanitarian Social Network

Is there anything better than educating the world and its people about things you are passionate about? If there is, I want to have that. But for the time being, nothing compares to acting upon what you believe will effect significant change in places where it is needed.

Tonight, 7:00PM Manila Time, ItsOneHumanity will be launching The Humanitarian Social Network. It is a new social network fully integrated with facebook that aims to connect people and educate one another about causes which they believe are essential in making the world a better place.

This will be the first online community for Humanitarians. 

Dont be left behind. Its like facebook, only BETTER. 

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